'; #$csv_images = "funny_xstitch_urls_delete.csv"; #global $image_array; #$image_array = csvToArray($csv_images); function getRandomGif(){ $dir_path = "gifs"; $files = scandir($dir_path); $count = count($files); $index = rand(2, ($count-1)); $filename = $files[$index]; #return ''; return $filename; } function getRandomImage($full_array){ $index = array_rand($full_array, 1); $link = $full_array[$index][0]; $filename = $full_array[$index][1]; $img_url = $full_array[$index][2]; $img_deets = [$img_url, $link]; #print_r($link); return $img_deets; } ?>
All images were taken from Etsy, and all were tagged with 'Funny Cross Stitch' by their original sellers.
Thank you all for participating! This form is no longer being monitored, but I've left it up for anyone who wants to poke around and look at some goofy cross-stitches. :)
this site made very hastily by mathysphere. i'm not really sure what's up with the spacing? anyway follow for more html masterpieces